Posts by Category


The Four values of a devops transformation

6 minute read

Just like the agile transformations of the past, there is a difference between ‘Doing Agile’, and ‘Being Agile’. ‘We do standups’ - therefore we are Agile. ...

You’re doing it wrong if…

2 minute read

We are all looking to learn from our failures and make things better, but sometimes it better to communicate what is right by eliminating what is wrong. “Wh...

Enterprise AWS adoption

4 minute read

As more enterprise scale businesses migrate their workloads to AWS, the size and complexity of the solutions they are trying to manage is growing. Businesses...

Census 2.0

8 minute read

In light of the #CensusFail the ABS delivered to us on Tuesday night, I thought I’d put a blog post where my mouth is and suggest an architecture I feel woul...